Enter the Tes Schools Awards 2025

The Tes Schools Awards are your school's opportunity to shout about your triumphs and celebrate the teachers, staff and teams that are making a real difference to the lives of your students.

We want to celebrate your amazing work and achievements in the 2023-2024 academic year.

Entry is free and open to all UK state and independent schools until Midnight on Friday 7 March 2025.

Open to: Independent and state schools

This award is for a teacher or school who have demonstrated excellent use of technology. Teachers or schools can nominate themselves or be nominated by others, including governors, teaching staff and parents. If you’re nominating someone else, please check first that they’re happy to be put forward.

We’re looking for tangible evidence that the thoughtful and considered implementation of technology has had a positive impact on the educational outcomes of students. We will take into account the scope of the use of technology and the different aspects of school life and improvement it has influenced, as well as academic achievement. Please include any relevant data and case studies. 

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Open to: Independent and state schools

Has your boarding school experienced rapid improvement or maintained continued excellence in the 2023-24 academic year? Then this award is for you! We’d like to hear about your innovation, imagination and efforts to develop children in ways that go beyond academic achievement and the league tables.  

Please provide supporting evidence such as inspection reports, parent testimonials, data analysis or anything else you feel is relevant. 

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Open to: Independent and state schools

Has your school run an excellent initiative that involves working with external groups, such as parents and the local community, or collaborating with other schools, local businesses, universities or colleges? Then tell us about it! 

We’d like to hear how it has benefitted everyone involved, see evidence of effective engagement and learn how your school is the beating heart of your community. Please supply at least three testimonials from members of the community that your school works with. 

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Open to: Independent and state schools

Is your early years setting at the centre of your community? Are your parents as involved and enthusiastic as your children? Tell us how you excel in offering the prime areas of learning – communication and language, physical development, and personal, social and emotional development – and at promoting the characteristics of effective learning. 

We’d like to see evidence of how your setting is unique in terms of the creativity and innovation that is at the heart of early years education, how you’re inclusive and how you meet the needs of every child who attends. 

This award is open to all types of early years provision including childminders, private, voluntary and independent (PVI), and school-based settings. Entries will be judged on merit and the environment where the learning is taking place. 

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Open to: Independent and state schools

Have you or your team run creative arts projects or initiatives that have made a real impact on your students? Then tell us about them! For this new award we want to see evidence of the impact of what you’re doing within school rather than the facilities you have. 

Your achievements need to be clearly explained in your submission along with evidence to demonstrate their success. 

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Open to: State schools only

All schools benefit from great leadership – and if your school has a successful and inspirational headteacher, we want to know. Heads can nominate themselves or they can be nominated by governors, teaching staff or parents. If you’re nominating someone else, please check first that they’re happy to be put forward. 

We’d like to hear what makes them a fantastic leader, including staff development and wellbeing, academic and other achievements, and community engagement. We don’t want to know about how they’re meeting school inspectors’ demands but do want to know about all the other aspects that go into creating a truly happy and successful school. 

Please include at least three independent testimonials – these can be video submissions up to 90 seconds long. 

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Open to: Independent schools only

All schools benefit from great leadership – and if your school has a successful and inspirational headteacher, we want to know. Heads can nominate themselves or they can be nominated by governors, teaching staff or parents. If you’re nominating someone else, please check first that they’re happy to be put forward. 

We’d like to hear what makes them a fantastic leader, including staff development and wellbeing, academic and other achievements, and community engagement. We don’t want to know about how they’re meeting school inspectors’ demands but do want to know about all the other aspects that go into creating a truly happy and successful school. 

Please include at least three independent testimonials – these can be video submissions up to 90 seconds long. 

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Open to: Independent and state schools

Has your mainstream setting provided outstanding academic and pastoral support for students with SEND over the last 12 months? Then tell us about it!  

We want to hear about your initiatives, innovation, imagination and efforts to improve outcomes for students with SEND.  

We’d like to see clear, quantifiable evidence of the success of any initiative and how your work has promoted SEND provision within your school or community. Please include at least three case studies for students (any school phase) who have progressed and shown real achievement.

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Has your trust provided outstanding academic and pastoral support for students with SEND over the last 12 months? Then tell us about it!  

We want to hear about your initiatives, innovation, imagination and efforts to improve outcomes for students with SEND.  

We’d like to see clear, quantifiable evidence of the success of any initiative and how your work has promoted SEND provision within your school or community. Please include at least three case studies for students (any school phase) who have progressed and shown real achievement. 

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Open to: Independent schools only

Has your prep school or all-through school with prep department experienced rapid improvement or maintained continued excellence in the 2023-24 academic year? We’d like to hear about your innovation, imagination and efforts to develop children in ways that go beyond academic achievement and the league tables. 

Please provide supporting evidence, such as inspection reports, parent testimonials, data analysis or anything else you feel is relevant.  

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Open to: Independent schools only

Has your senior day school or all-through school with a senior department experienced rapid improvement or maintained continued excellence in the 2023-24 academic year? Then we want to hear from you! 

We’d like to hear about your innovation, imagination and efforts to develop children in ways that go beyond academic achievement and the league tables.

Please provide supporting evidence, such as inspection reports, parent testimonials, data analysis or anything else you feel is relevant.

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Open to: Independent and state schools

Do you know someone who has made a significant and sustained contribution to education? We want to hear what this special person has achieved in their career and why you feel they deserve the trophy. Please include at least three independent testimonials from staff, governors or students. 

Please check with the nominee first that they’re happy to be put forward. 

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Open to: Independent and state schools

Have you or your team found an innovative way to teach your subject that helps pupils to enjoy it and be successful at it? Then tell us about it! We’re looking for teachers and teams who’ve made children excited about studying their subject and colleagues excited about teaching it – and delivered excellent results. 

We’d like to see clear, quantifiable evidence of the success of any initiative and how your work has created a buzz around your subject within your school community. Please include at least three case studies for pupils (any school phase) who have progressed and shown real achievement. 

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Open to: State schools only

Is your primary school proud of the way you’ve sparked and nurtured a love of learning in your pupils? Have you notched up great achievements, beyond inspection reports, and shone out among other schools in the area? Did you blaze a trail of improvement? Do all your children love coming to school?  

Using evidence to support your case, tell us the secrets of your success. Was it down to innovative ways of working, parental involvement, pure grit and determination, or something else? If you believe your school stood out during 2023-24, we want to know. 

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Open to: Independent and state schools

Has your school or team developed some great wellbeing and mental health projects that support pupils? Whether they’re whole-school initiatives or schemes that have benefited specific targeted groups – we’d love to hear about them!  

While wellbeing may be hard to measure, we’d like to see evidence that the scheme (or schemes) has benefited either all pupils or a targeted group of pupils. 

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Open to: State schools only

Has your secondary school performed exceptionally over the past 12 months, improved rapidly or maintained continued excellence? Then this award is for you. We’d like to hear about the innovative and imaginative things you’ve done to develop children in ways that go beyond academic achievement and league tables. 

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Open to: Independent and state schools

Has your standalone alternative provision unit (schools for pupils with SEND or emotional and behavioural difficulties, and pupil referral units) had a stand-out academic year in 2023-24?  

We’d like to hear about your successes and innovations – from improvements in attendance levels, staff retention, parental engagement or student success, to new ways you’ve supported students in their learning or helped them engage with the local community or businesses. Or perhaps you’ve achieved something different entirely? We’d love to know  

Please provide quantifiable evidence to support your submission. 

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Open to: Independent and state schools

Have you or your team shown excellence and innovation in leading a subject, creating initiatives that improve outcomes for pupils? Then want to hear from you.  

We’d like to see clear, quantifiable evidence of the success of any initiative and how your work has promoted your subject within your specialist setting or community. Please include at least three case studies for students (any school phase) who have progressed and shown real achievement. 

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Open to: Independent and state schools

Has your school developed some great wellbeing and mental health projects to support staff? Whether they’re whole-school initiatives or schemes that have benefited specific targeted groups – we’d love to hear about them! 

While wellbeing may be hard to measure, we’d like to see evidence that the scheme (or schemes) has benefited either all staff or a targeted group of staff, this could include staff survey data, staff retention rates and exit interview data.

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Open to: Independent and state schools

Have you or your team found an innovative way to teach your subject that help students to enjoy it and be successful at it? Then tell us about it! We’re looking for teachers and teams who’ve made children excited about studying their subject and colleagues excited about teaching it – and delivered excellent results.  

We’d like to see clear, quantifiable evidence of the success of any initiative and how your work has created a buzz around your subject within your school community. Please include at least three case studies for students (any school phase) who have progressed and shown real achievement. 

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Open to: Independent and state schools

The winner of this award will be someone who gives the very best support in the classroom and out. Assistants can nominate themselves or be nominated by others, including governors, teaching staff and parents. If you’re nominating someone else, please check first that they’re happy to be put forward. 

We’d like to hear how they work in partnership with teachers during lessons and how they provide support for learning outside of the classroom. We’d like to know how they foster pupils’ independence and collaborative working, and support pupils’ social and emotional development. Tell us how they develop and apply their knowledge and understanding of pupil learning and development, pupils’ needs and best practices, and contribute to the wider work of the school community. 

We want to see evidence of their work, their contributions to lesson planning and feedback, creative displays and engaging the children. Testimonials from teachers, headteachers, parents and others are welcome. 

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Has your trust supported pupils to reach excellent outcomes, has your central team worked wonders to support your schools to achieve workload and financial efficiencies, are your schools pushed to be at the heart of the communities they serve, and can you demonstrate excellent school improvement capacity and results?

We want to hear about the successes your trust has achieved in the past year and how you are supporting all in your community to be the best they can be. Please provide examples and data to support your application, as well as testimony from staff and the communities in which your schools reside.

Before submission, please check first the trust is happy to be put forward

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Has your trust turned around pupil outcomes, had a huge impact on the local community, demonstrated second-to-none school improvement capacity both inside and outside the trust, maintained excellent high standards and brought innovation to the sector?

We want to hear how your trust is supporting its schools to ever-higher standards while ensuring civic duty is at the heart of everything you do. Please provide examples and data to support your application, as well as testimony from staff and the communities in which your schools reside.

Before submission, please check first the trust is happy to be put forward.

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